Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Science stuff about Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin: A Gentle Revolutionary
Charles Darwin’s Grandfather, Erasmus Darwin was a physician, and so was his father Robert Darwin. Charles thought that he also wanted to be a physician and went to school at Edinburgh University. He ended up thinking it was boring and was disgusted by the open cadavers. After realizing that being a physician wasn’t for him he and his father decided he would be a clergyman. He went to Cambridge University studying about Christianity and sciences. He started learning about biology, zoology, theology, and geology, collecting beetles was his passion and his loved seeing the many different types and difference between similar types. One day he found a new beetle and didn’t want to lose it so he popped it in his mouth, and he then had an acidy fluid on his tongue and spit it out, he lost the beetle.
He met many people while at Cambridge, but then he felt that it wasn’t for him and his pursuits for being a clergyman were gone. He met a man, Captain FitzRoy who was sailing to South America, he was a well-educated man and didn’t want to travel with people below him and invited Darwin to go with him. They ended up arguing every time they discussed something, but by the end they were friends. He then met Lamarck and Lyell who believed that life forms gradually grew up the “ladder of life” and became human beings being at the top. Darwin met many other people that had ideas on evolution, but he wanted to find out for himself.
He went many places including the Galapagos Islands and saw many animals, particularly birds. He this saw finches there and later when he went to Chile he compared the finches there with the ones in Galapagos. They were very similar with only some differences. He thought maybe that animals would be different due to the climate they lived in, but noticing that the finches were similar he decided that wasn’t entirely true. He stopped for a little while with his research and started a family, he was married and had children, he was now again in Cambridge. Darwin started up again and read an essay by Thomas Malthus. In the essay it stated that there was a “struggle for existence”. Darwin started thinking about this and realized that may be animals were fighting for resources and had to adapt to where they lived and what they did for survival and that’s why there were so many different variations for species.
Darwin didn’t have all of his ideas come together at once, he thought about it all for a long time and kept having different ideas or add-ons to his previous ideas. He had his own ideas and knew that not every scientist would believe his findings and opinions. He was also afraid that he would be judged by his research and didn’t publish them right away. It wasn’t until a friend Alfred Russel Wallace had similar findings did he realize he needed to get his ideas out there. Darwin consulted a couple people first before he told the world in his writing, then in the August of 1858 the Journal of the Proceedings of the LInnean Society of London published a paper by Darwin right by Wallace’s. He started writing one The Origin of Species, and on the first day sold out with 1250 copies.
Many Scientists didn’t agree with Darwin and some religions see him as an evil person, which isn’t true. Darwin’s ideas were finally accepted in the 1900s, but not by all. While Darwin fell away from religion for some different reasons he still believed in many things and was buried next to science icon, Isaac Newton.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Steroids, more fit for life ha

You always hear about how steroids are bad for you, but most people don’t even know the effects of actually taking them. They can affect the way you act, ruining your relationships with family and friends. They can affect the way your body looks, but also in negative ways as well not just building up muscle tone. They will change your whole life in the blink of an eye, and you’ll regret it forever. Think before you even consider using steroids.
            Your attitude at first will seem normal, but after the first couple of weeks your friends, not you, will start noticing the way you’re acting. You become stressed, and violent, but you won’t understand why you’re doing it. You’ll be acting just fine one moment, but the next you’ll be destroying everything in your path, even hurting your loved ones. You become depressed and having mood swings, then your body starts to change.
            Males will lose a little percentage of testosterone, developing female looks. They will develop bigger breast, and have hair loss. They will start to develop bigger muscles, sometimes getting too big where people will look awkward and possibly in pain. Women take steroids as well, though not as much as men, but when women take this drug like substance, they change too. They grow facial hair, and become bulky in their body type, their hair may start to recede as well.
            Steroids, once taken, are hard to get off of. Steroids are a drug and they become addicting and this will charge your life. You won’t be able to stop and your body will change significantly. If you do however get off of them, you will change, but life will be better. Your body will reduce in size because you aren’t taking it, your skin, being stretched out will sag. However, many people aren’t so lucky and people have died before. If you play sports for a high school and they find out that you are taking steroids, your whole team could be disqualified. You could lose everything you have in school.
            Don’t even think about steroids they are terrible, they may seem cool and neat at first, but you won’t be the same person on them. You will have ruined your life, and everyone will see you differently. You may be ruining not just your life, but others lives as well, people will see you differently. They results aren’t even worth it, so work for it, do your best, and you will become naturally fit and tone.

Fit for life homework

Muscles are a great contributor to your health. They help with strong bones, better sleep, better metabolism, lower risk of injury, and more. Muscular strength is how much force can be put together against something trying to resist the force, in other words how much you can hold, push, pull, etc. Muscular endurance is how long you can withstand a hard activity, like biking, running, hiking, and more. These are important to maintain because you will have an improved, healthier life.
            Isometric exercise is building up your muscle strength, but the joints don’t move. When doing this type of exercise you are working with resistance against force like pushing your body away from something. Isotonic exercise is used to build up muscle strength like isometric, but your joints move around when doing this exercise. Doing push-ups is a type of isometric exercise because your arms are moving in a range of motion. Isokinetic exercise is an exercise that isn’t constant, but has continuous limb movement. An example would be jogging in place or one a bike that stays in place.
            Lifting weights can be a real benefit to losing weight and gaining strength, but there are some precautions that you should take. Don’t overdo it because you can possibly die from overexertion. If you feel any pain stop, you could make it worse by continuing lifting weights. Don’t lift weights till about 15 or 16 because lifting weights can stunt your growth. Just remember to be careful and watch yourself as well as having someone with you when you are lifting weights. Along with the safety of lifting weights there is also natural weight lifting and supplemental weight lifting. Most weight lifters you see take some type of supplement for weight lifting, but they are careful when choosing the right ones. They all say that they are the best and they will give you the best results, but you have to read more than just the label. They are both okay and if you want better and faster results then taking the supplements would be good, I would recommend doing it all naturally though.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Something new!

School. Need I say more? Yeah, it's not the best thing in the world, it's not the worse though either. I like it, sometimes, but I definitely don't hate it. There might be a few teachers I could slap right now, but I won't. I've always had an issue with stress about school and now that we're towards the end of the term, I'm super nervous. My grades are good, but not as good as I would want. I feel like I talk about this all the time and if you're reading this you're probably getting super duper tired of me talking about my grades all of the time, trust me you're not the only one. So, I'm going to talk about something else.

Technology, the internet, facebook, twitter, youtube, commercials, reality TV, and more! Did you know that reality TV isn't always reality what they film is the "most important" parts that will get the producers money, but they don't show everything that happens when the cameras aren't rolling! Facebook, seriously I honestly only know about 2 people that don't have a facebook account. The terrible thing is most of the posts are from people that probably should have their facebook taken away because their posts are pretty much their journal. Facebook is not a journal, so please, don't tell me what your cat just did while you went to the bathroom, because I don't care. ha ha. Twitter, now this, this is pretty close to something that's your journal, but you update it every 2 minutes. Don't mix up twitter and facebook though when it come to posting, please. Even then, most of the post are like hey follow #someonethatwantstolookcool, they will follow you back! or OMG! you need to see this just a bunch of links, or maybe once in a while you get something funny.

Seriously though, what the heck has happened to society? People are crazy these days. Commercials. Whoa, I mean some of the local one's are super dumb, then most of them are insurance commercials. Allstate, farmers (we are farmers! bum dabum bum bum bum bum!), or Geico, and I seriously have seem these commercials over and over again that I have them memorized, whatever happened to watching an actually episode of friends when there were like 2 commercials the whole entire time, not 20.

Youtube + facebook = famous! If you haven't heard about Kony 2012, you're crazy and need to go watch this, yes it's long but who cares. it got like 32 million views within a day or two it was crazy, but if you want to everyone to see something get a bunch of friends, put a video on youtube, get people to share it on facebook and the world goes crazy! If it's a crappy video, it will be famous, but people will also tell others not to watch it so make sure it's something good. My grandpa, he's 80, was telling me the other day that this generation is the craziest he's ever seen and watched. He thinks we'll all be brain dead by 2015 with all the computer, cell phones, and TV radiation waves going to our head, who knows? He might be right.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I always told myself that I wouldn't pile my stuff with things to do. Then all of the sudden February and March totally took control of my life, bassoon lessons, band concert, band recital, bassoon competition, homework, church activities, party commitments, working, meetings, and that's just the beginning! I've been so stressed and now were close to the end of the term and my grades seriously aren't bad at all, in fact they're pretty good, I want to get one of the up though to an A and I don't know how I'm going to do it. I've just been feeling way overwhelmed and I had no idea when it was going to stop. I had to wake up at 5 today, it's Saturday, to go to a convention thing... I'm so exhausted. My parents were complaining about how I'm never home, and if I am I'm always working on school stuff and I just never stop. When I got home from the convention, I did stop. My mom took away my lap top, my phone, my homework (who does that?), and we sat and talked.

I really had no idea how much stress I had put on myself and I never knew just talking could make me let it all go. She took me out to eat, we watched a movie, and just relaxed... I couldn't even bring up anything about school or things that I needed to do, my mom wouldn't let me. I finally got my stuff back and now I'm working on my homework, but that little time that I got to just let everything go was awesome. I finally realized that yes, school is important and so is my music, but I can't let it take over.

Seriously if you feel a little stress or just feel like you need to get something out in the world that you feel like you've held in for a while, do something about it. Don't let it build up till you explode, because if you're anything like me, you will explode and the earth will move like God is playing basketball with it. If you have a best friend or your mom or just someone you can trust, tell them what's going on because if you don't you'll later regret it. If talking doesn't relieve your stress just take everything off you mind and find your favorite movie, for me it's anything that's a old 90's classic Disney movie, I seriously can't get enough of them. Make sure that you have your favorite snack too, but don't pig out, you don't want to gain weight because then there's another thing that will build up your stress. I know just getting outside and being active also helps me a ton because I just learn to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Music is also something that really helps me, as long as it's not some depressing crap that feels like your story, listen to something fast, and happy that you'll enjoy.