Monday, March 12, 2012

Something new!

School. Need I say more? Yeah, it's not the best thing in the world, it's not the worse though either. I like it, sometimes, but I definitely don't hate it. There might be a few teachers I could slap right now, but I won't. I've always had an issue with stress about school and now that we're towards the end of the term, I'm super nervous. My grades are good, but not as good as I would want. I feel like I talk about this all the time and if you're reading this you're probably getting super duper tired of me talking about my grades all of the time, trust me you're not the only one. So, I'm going to talk about something else.

Technology, the internet, facebook, twitter, youtube, commercials, reality TV, and more! Did you know that reality TV isn't always reality what they film is the "most important" parts that will get the producers money, but they don't show everything that happens when the cameras aren't rolling! Facebook, seriously I honestly only know about 2 people that don't have a facebook account. The terrible thing is most of the posts are from people that probably should have their facebook taken away because their posts are pretty much their journal. Facebook is not a journal, so please, don't tell me what your cat just did while you went to the bathroom, because I don't care. ha ha. Twitter, now this, this is pretty close to something that's your journal, but you update it every 2 minutes. Don't mix up twitter and facebook though when it come to posting, please. Even then, most of the post are like hey follow #someonethatwantstolookcool, they will follow you back! or OMG! you need to see this just a bunch of links, or maybe once in a while you get something funny.

Seriously though, what the heck has happened to society? People are crazy these days. Commercials. Whoa, I mean some of the local one's are super dumb, then most of them are insurance commercials. Allstate, farmers (we are farmers! bum dabum bum bum bum bum!), or Geico, and I seriously have seem these commercials over and over again that I have them memorized, whatever happened to watching an actually episode of friends when there were like 2 commercials the whole entire time, not 20.

Youtube + facebook = famous! If you haven't heard about Kony 2012, you're crazy and need to go watch this, yes it's long but who cares. it got like 32 million views within a day or two it was crazy, but if you want to everyone to see something get a bunch of friends, put a video on youtube, get people to share it on facebook and the world goes crazy! If it's a crappy video, it will be famous, but people will also tell others not to watch it so make sure it's something good. My grandpa, he's 80, was telling me the other day that this generation is the craziest he's ever seen and watched. He thinks we'll all be brain dead by 2015 with all the computer, cell phones, and TV radiation waves going to our head, who knows? He might be right.

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