Sunday, April 29, 2012

growing up, up, and away!

I can't wait to be out of school! FOREVER! I mean, um...yeah! I can't wait till summer, but I really want school to be over all together. Even college. No more homework, no more term projects, no more reading stupid books, etc. I'm so tired of it! ha ha ha. I really want to grow up and get out on my own and experience life in my own way. Wait?! No! I don't!

Okay, I want to leave the house without people nagging at me to do chores every minute of everyday. I want that, but I don't at the same time. I'm going to be in high school soon and I want to drive a car and have more freedoms, but I'm scared. I'm scared for high school and I'm scared about money issues and family. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way either. I had a party the other night and my parents were getting mad at me because everyone wasn't gone by a certain time, don't get mad at me for that! If I come home two minutes late I get yelled at. I've never been grounded in my life, but I hate it when they get mad and yell, it's the worst thing ever! I know they were disappointed, it's the worst thing to disappoint your parents. I feel like they need to cut me some slack though. I don't fight with them and I don't yell a lot and I do what I'm supposed to the best I can, they are just super strict. My friends parents are so laid back and they can do more than I can. I know I shouldn't compare my parents to other parents, but they need to realized how lucky they are (if they're reading this I'm probably dead ha ha ha). I don't hang out with friends that often, I do my homework without being told, and when we have a family thing going on I go. I do more with my parents than a teen should! I care about my future so I do the best I can now so I won't have to fix it later, and I don't think they understand that. My mom always complains about how I'm always doing homework, that is not my fault it's my offense! Sometimes ya'll just pound us way too much with that junk! Math and biology are the worst! So much homework and it over powers my whole life sometimes. I mean, after this I have to go to my math homework and work on a term project and essay for biology and it just kills me. I can't get to bed at a decent time even if I start homework right as I get home. My parents are still getting mad and it's not my fault. Okay I need to stop this whole poor me, poor me thing.

I just can't believe that I'm growing up and I'm old enough to drive and do so much! It's going by so fast.... well actually, it's pretty slow, but really the years just keep going by faster and faster.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How important is sleep

Have you ever wondered how important sleep is? Do you get enough of it? Chances are, if you are a teenager like me, the answer is, well, no. Ever had an all night-er? How was the rest of your day? Did you feel like crap? or Did you just want to sleep the rest of the day away because you were so exhausted? Yeah, sleep is important, and not just when you are ‘growing’ but when you’re an adult too.
You’ve always heard that you need to get eight hours of sleep, but I guess it turns out as long as you get 6-8 hours you’re good. No more, no less, it’s not the healthiest thing ever to sleep in as well, which is a huge bummer because we all like to sleep more than what is needed. I was reading an article the other day because I was actually trying to prove to my mom that’s it’s okay if I got to bed around 10:30 each night, I wasn’t that successful, but hey at least I know now… I just won’t tell my mom that!
There was this…lady I think… I didn’t actually see who the author of the article was… anyway! She decided to try this Uberman sleep schedule to see if just taking naps could take care of all the sleep you need and you can still have enough energy. In case you were wondering because you don’t want to read the whole thing, it doesn’t work! Don’t try it! She may have some different symptoms than you would, but still don’t try it, it’s totally not worth it. So not only did she try it, she did it for a month! How crazy is that, if I did that for a science project I would want a big prize for that! She was doing it for her job though, but still I don’t think she got paid enough for it ha. So anyway, she felt like crap for the first week and had a little fatigue, the second week was even worse. She started have canker sores and pimples and she didn’t know what day it was, and couldn’t take care of her own hygiene because she was so confused. The third week got better and she though it was starting to work, she was finally having more energy and everything, then the fourth week came along. It all went downhill again and she couldn’t wait till she could finish the whole thing. When she was done she slept for 15 hours strait and her friends told her she looked a ton better than before.
So, sleep? Yeah it’s important try to always get 7 or 8 hours and if you can’t try to the next night. Don’t sleep in often either because you would just known as lazy and a bum, but also you aren’t being healthy, too much sleep can make you sick and gain weight. Also when you don’t get enough sleep you tend to eat more, losing weight though in an unhealthy way… again. So, just sleep, it’s good for you! Goodnight!
For more details:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Social Networks

In the year 2012 people are busy on their laptops, tablets, iPhones, and Androids. They’re using them to update their status, telling Facebook how they’re feeling and twitter what they’re doing, and looking at all the latest trends on Pinterest. They never seem to stop, but my question is, what would you do without the technology and social networks?

Facebook has been around for years, becoming so addicting to some people that in school their grades are lowering, at home their families aren’t coming together for dinner, and in the world outside they don’t talk to people face to face but instead by IM. Since 2004 this social network has been up and millions of people have joined, but have their lives improved? Was it worth getting a facebook? Twitter, not as popular as facebook, though it has not been around as long, seems even worse. Most people, sorry to say, don’t care what you did with your dog two seconds ago. We don’t care that you’ve been playing COD for two hours strait, or that you’re a party getting drunk. Pinterest, it’s there for people to make them feel like they aren’t good enough. Looking at pictures of people’s homes that look perfect, with the perfect family, with a nice porch, and handmade spring wreaths hanging on the cutest front door. Giving people weight loss tips because you just don’t look like that model in the pin above wearing a red and white striped bikini.

I’m guilty, I have a facebook, a twitter, and even a pinterest account, but I can’t even remember what life was like without any of these things. I wish I could look back and say, “Hey! I was doing perfectly fine before all of this!” Yes, I have attempted to get rid of my facebook, but I’ve become so addicted to it, that I can barely go a day without getting on facebook, twice, twitter I can live without. Pinterest doesn’t even seem that bad, it has cute ideas for crafts, cute clothes, quotes, hair ideas, recipes that everyone will enjoy and home improvement ideas, but what do you feel like after you’ve pinned all that stuff onto your boards? I probably will never get around to make anything, or do my hair, or buy the clothes that looked amazing on the girl in the picture, and, I hate cooking.

Our society today has made men, women, girls, and boys think they need to look a certain way, do certain things, and live a life that seams flawless. We think we need to impress people so we will be liked, but if you look around, your true friends and your family don’t care. They don’t care that you have stick strait hair when the style is curly, they don’t care that you don’t weigh 120 when you’re just a few pounds away, they just want you to be you. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try your best, but that you shouldn’t try to become someone you’re not. I can honestly say I miss being able not to care what people say about me, and that I didn’t have to get on facebook everyday when I get bored and I want to feel like I’m pretty and that I’m not messing up as a daughter or a friend or a sister, I wish society didn’t take over the lives of people.

So, imagine one day where facebook, twitter, and pinterest are all gone and weren’t ever coming back. What would you do that first day? I picture that everyone would freak out for the first couple of hours, sit around realize that they’re bored, and go outside. Hang out with friends and be with their families, and be worry free. I guess my grandma was right when she said, “That facebook will rot you’re brain and people are going to be taken over by it,” or when a lady that lives by me said, “Pinterest will get old and people will get tired of feeling like they haven’t accomplished a thing in their lives.” I’m going to go delete my pinterest right now.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break 2012

    Spring break? Like it? More like love it! First of all I get a load off of homework and school, just what I’ve been needing! Second, I can chill and do whatever I want and not have to worry about a single thing. Third, it was my birthday this week! I didn’t have to go to school on my birthday, that right there is the best gift of all. I haven’t done much this week, but it’s been a total blast. I hung out with best friend we went downtown and hung out a city creek, that place is female heaven! I think my favorite place was Sephora, it’s a makeup store and I fell in love just looking at the mascara. We didn’t really but anything because most of the stuff there is way out of our budget, a budget of 20 bucks! ha. We went out to lunch and saw a couple friends, oh! Don’t eat a Suki Hana, that place is greasy! Then Wednesday my mom took me out shopping, again, we went on Monday too and she took me out to eat. Thursday I had a sleepover with my friend, made a cake, watched movies, had Hawaiian Haystacks, and stayed up till like 3. I was supposed to get home at 9, I didn’t get home till two o’clock. Then, I was met with the reality of online homework due Friday.
    I would highly recommend, if you want to get ahead or just didn’t pass a class, to take online schooling… if you live in this area. If you live somewhere else I don’t know how the Online Education is but Davis Connect Online over here is awesome. I’m taking two classes with them and you don’t have to focus on that class too much, it’s just like any other class, but on your own. You might meet up with your teacher a couple times depending on the class and most of them are amazingly organized and nice. Anyway, I hadn’t done anything with my online stuff and I got home and realized I had 2 assignments for my computer tech class and one for my fit for life, I seriously panicked because I’m heading to my Dad’s who doesn’t have a computer. I didn’t need to worry one bit! I finished all 3 in like ten minutes and I was soooo happy, but now I have all my other  homework to do and the joys of spring break fly out the window, and fast!
    And then there’s the weather today, seriously mother nature must be bipolar because it snowed today, I was wearing shorts earlier this week because it was hot! Now I’m wearing pants and a long sleeve with a jacket/coat thing… I honestly don’t know what to call it, but it’s nice, lightweight, and soft. So as I’m looking out the window I see mountains covered in snow and it makes me so sad, luckily it didn’t snow on my birthday I would cry. Okay so there’s my overview of this week, have a nice weekend!