Sunday, April 29, 2012

growing up, up, and away!

I can't wait to be out of school! FOREVER! I mean, um...yeah! I can't wait till summer, but I really want school to be over all together. Even college. No more homework, no more term projects, no more reading stupid books, etc. I'm so tired of it! ha ha ha. I really want to grow up and get out on my own and experience life in my own way. Wait?! No! I don't!

Okay, I want to leave the house without people nagging at me to do chores every minute of everyday. I want that, but I don't at the same time. I'm going to be in high school soon and I want to drive a car and have more freedoms, but I'm scared. I'm scared for high school and I'm scared about money issues and family. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way either. I had a party the other night and my parents were getting mad at me because everyone wasn't gone by a certain time, don't get mad at me for that! If I come home two minutes late I get yelled at. I've never been grounded in my life, but I hate it when they get mad and yell, it's the worst thing ever! I know they were disappointed, it's the worst thing to disappoint your parents. I feel like they need to cut me some slack though. I don't fight with them and I don't yell a lot and I do what I'm supposed to the best I can, they are just super strict. My friends parents are so laid back and they can do more than I can. I know I shouldn't compare my parents to other parents, but they need to realized how lucky they are (if they're reading this I'm probably dead ha ha ha). I don't hang out with friends that often, I do my homework without being told, and when we have a family thing going on I go. I do more with my parents than a teen should! I care about my future so I do the best I can now so I won't have to fix it later, and I don't think they understand that. My mom always complains about how I'm always doing homework, that is not my fault it's my offense! Sometimes ya'll just pound us way too much with that junk! Math and biology are the worst! So much homework and it over powers my whole life sometimes. I mean, after this I have to go to my math homework and work on a term project and essay for biology and it just kills me. I can't get to bed at a decent time even if I start homework right as I get home. My parents are still getting mad and it's not my fault. Okay I need to stop this whole poor me, poor me thing.

I just can't believe that I'm growing up and I'm old enough to drive and do so much! It's going by so fast.... well actually, it's pretty slow, but really the years just keep going by faster and faster.

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