Thursday, May 3, 2012

Eating Disorders

I watched a movie for my Fit for Life online class and we had to watch a movie about eating disorders and summarize what it was about and what it talked about.

Weight has always been and always will be an issue for girls in the world. Society isn’t always helping either, you look left and you look right and you can always see pictures of models who are skinny and famous people who are super thin. Girls look up to these people and want to be just like them so they decide they need to lose weight so they can get down to 110 and people will think of them highly. Weight shouldn’t be an issue for people and it doesn’t have to be, but sometimes our emotions and experiences get caught up with us.
In the movie Nova: Dying to be Thin it talked about ballet dancers who are supposed to be strong, balanced, and skinny to the bone. They have to look a certain way so they can look “perfect”. Dance teachers and couches, and I’ve even seen it myself, comment on weight all of the time saying, “she could lose a few pounds” or “she could be better if she lost a little weight”. It hurts those inside and out and they do whatever they can to lose weight so they won’t be criticized anymore.
Models are always known to be tall, beautiful, and skinny. To be a model you have to look a certain way and look good in almost anything. Not true. Weight doesn’t matter when it comes to modeling because all that matters is that you are you and nobody else and you just care about what you think and not what others think. Everyone always says, “oh you’re so tall and skinny, you should be a model” and when other girls hear this they think that they need to be skinnier so they can get those types of compliments as well.
There are many factors to people having anorexic or bulimia like society, the people around them in their communities, family, friends, distress, and more. Studies have shown that people who are OCD have a good chance of having an eating disorder because they want everything to be perfect and follow a path and if looking good is part of that path they will do their best to get there. Many people have also been abused in their lives and the stress and anxiety takes over and they stop eating or they eat and vomit it back up.
No matter who you are you shouldn’t feel like you need to be perfect for everyone. You can be yourself and be healthy and lose weight if you need to in a healthy way. When people tell you to lose weight just don’t listen to them, you need to listen to those who care and yourself. Having an eating disorder can ruin your life and the treatment and be extensive. If you have a disorder don’t keep it a secret because you may regret it later on because you can become so sick and even pass away. It’s so sad that people think they aren’t good enough and that they don’t look good so they stop eating and starve them selves, it’s not worth it. You are perfect no matter what anyone else says and appearance isn’t a priority.

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