Friday, March 16, 2012

Steroids, more fit for life ha

You always hear about how steroids are bad for you, but most people don’t even know the effects of actually taking them. They can affect the way you act, ruining your relationships with family and friends. They can affect the way your body looks, but also in negative ways as well not just building up muscle tone. They will change your whole life in the blink of an eye, and you’ll regret it forever. Think before you even consider using steroids.
            Your attitude at first will seem normal, but after the first couple of weeks your friends, not you, will start noticing the way you’re acting. You become stressed, and violent, but you won’t understand why you’re doing it. You’ll be acting just fine one moment, but the next you’ll be destroying everything in your path, even hurting your loved ones. You become depressed and having mood swings, then your body starts to change.
            Males will lose a little percentage of testosterone, developing female looks. They will develop bigger breast, and have hair loss. They will start to develop bigger muscles, sometimes getting too big where people will look awkward and possibly in pain. Women take steroids as well, though not as much as men, but when women take this drug like substance, they change too. They grow facial hair, and become bulky in their body type, their hair may start to recede as well.
            Steroids, once taken, are hard to get off of. Steroids are a drug and they become addicting and this will charge your life. You won’t be able to stop and your body will change significantly. If you do however get off of them, you will change, but life will be better. Your body will reduce in size because you aren’t taking it, your skin, being stretched out will sag. However, many people aren’t so lucky and people have died before. If you play sports for a high school and they find out that you are taking steroids, your whole team could be disqualified. You could lose everything you have in school.
            Don’t even think about steroids they are terrible, they may seem cool and neat at first, but you won’t be the same person on them. You will have ruined your life, and everyone will see you differently. You may be ruining not just your life, but others lives as well, people will see you differently. They results aren’t even worth it, so work for it, do your best, and you will become naturally fit and tone.

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