Thursday, September 29, 2011

Different from the others (Thompsons Idea)

Some of the decisions I've made in life could be concidered different and my life might be concidered different from others too. When I decided I was going to play the bassoon, everyone said that was different. I'm the only chile that lives at home and most of my friends have siblings at their houses so I guess that's different too. My family situation (it's not bad or anything) is different from a lot of people I know concidering I don't know one of my brothers and I have a step-brother and for 7 years I thought I actually was an only child. My taste in music is different from other types. I have wierd friends, but I guess that's normal haha. When I tell people that I've lived in Missouri they think that's kind of facinating. I get along with adults more than the average teenager because I've been around them my whole life.

I guess I'm different from a lot of people, but know one is the same as the other person. We're all different in our own ways some of them good and some of them aren't very good. In the end though we all get along and I think that's because of our differences. People are interested in things they've never done before and when you meet someone that's been skydiving you want to know about that. I guess it's a good thing I'm different from my friends and family, because I don't like being the same because it's boring. I love myself and who I am(: ...that was really cheesy haha.

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