Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homework 101

Homework  (hmwûrk)
n. 1. Work, such as schoolwork or piecework, that is done at home.

Also known as pointless junk that I dislike very much, but I have so much right now. Life lesson #2: (#1 was in my last post) go to school and never miss a day if you can, if you're like on your death bed or just really sick... please, please, don't go to school. We wouldn't want you to have an accident. Anyway, go to school everyday because if you don't you'll have to make up a lot of work that you missed.

Life lesson #3: Don't get too stressed out about your grades and homework, the more you stress out the more your work will stink. Relax a little before you do your work and when you think you're at the point where you're going to do the best essay in the world, hurry and do it. I've learned this from past experience... my mistakes in life will help you with yours.

Life lesson #4: Stay positive, if you say you're going to fail a test, chances are you probably will. I know this doesn't sound very supportive but just deal with it. The day you're going to have a huge test or a quiz or anything important for that matter just say, "I'm not going to fail, I'm going to get an A+ on this test, and I'm going to do the best work I've ever done in my life." Good luck. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope it will help you in life. Have a nice day.

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