Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just what any girl needs to hear

Today I heard one of the best things ever! I serious almost cried because it's exactly what I've been doing to myself. Now if you're a guy you might not find this interesting at all, but you know whatever just keep on reading if you want. So I know that every girl has compared herself to another girl. She might be really good at basketball or she has nice hair, those are her strengths. You, however, may not have the best hair (it's probably genetic anyway), and might not be very coordinated enough to play a sport, but that's your weakness. You may be really good at playing a musical instrument or singing or just being kind to everyone, those are your strengths and you need to focus on those things because that girl that you're jealous of because she's good at basketball probably isn't good at any of those things. You can't compare your weaknesses to her strengths, it's not going to turn out very well for you. You'll feel terrible about yourself and you don't need to, because there is probably someone else out there who wishes they could sing just as well as you. I've found this to be so true, and yes! I've done it many times, but I know now it's not going to get me anywhere.

Facebook, twitter, and even Pinterest may seem like fun at first, but once you finally sit down and realize what's going on, you'll finally see that you're looking at people that just seem perfect, and they aren't. You want to be perfect, you want to have all the things the girl next door does, but if you were really meant to have them you would, and you don't, so it wasn't meant to be. We, as girls, need to be happy with ourselves and our lives just the way they are. People love us no matter what we look like, because they look at our hearts, but it doesn't mean that we need to stop caring for ourselves.

You may feel like you need to help everyone you can, and be happy all the time and try to keep yourself together. Everyone needs to break down once in a while though. We need to give ourselves time and stop and appreciate ourselves. We need to stop and look around us so we don't explode! I do this all the time! I get so caught up in school and friends and work that I never stop and to see what's happening to myself. I just needed to pause and let everything go. It really helps, so if you feel so overwhelmed and you can't stop, just stop. If someone is nagging you tell them to leave you alone and take care of their problems for a little while, yes you may sound like a brat, but you deserve to just relax.

We also need to be around positive people so we can always look on the good when the situation is bad. I've learned that some of the decisions I've made in life haven't been the best, and I'm young! The situation I was in wasn't the best but I learned to see all of the good things that could come out of it. Everything happens for a reason.

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