Friday, October 14, 2011

Strength, speed, endurance, invisibility, perfection, x-ray vision and stamina are just some powers that these people have, we call them superheroes.
You don’t have to have all of these powers to be a superhero though. Anyone can be a hero if they do their best to help and care. The sad thing though, is that people don’t even take the time anymore to be a good person. Is it too much to ask for someone to be kind to people? A little act of service really isn’t going to kill you. Kids and teens in our generation care too much about themselves and not enough about helping those in need. I don’t want to be known as the generation that “didn’t care” I want our generation to be known as the “people who wouldn’t stop caring.”
A little act of service can go a long way. Just stopping to talk to someone can make their day better knowing that people care. When people hear the word service they think about something dreadful and too hard to do, when really you could just help someone with their groceries that’s a great act of service. People that serve become a hero because they learn that they are not the most important thing in the world and they care about others. I’m not saying to be selfless just be less selfish. Others will recognize that you’re such a great person and you will be known for that for the rest of your life.
Our generation will be known as one of the best if we serve those who need just a little help, instead of sitting on our butts playing video games, or computer games or watching the T.V. all day. You’ll rot your brain if that is the only thing you do, not literally but pretty darn close to that. I challenge everyone to do at least one act of service every day, because it can help people and change you as a person. You’ll be happier if you do these things, I promise.
So go out there and be a hero! Show the world that we’re the best they’ve got. We have such great powers like selflessness, integrity, honesty, courage and trust such genuine qualities.

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