Friday, January 20, 2012


It may seem hard, and it might be crazy,
But when your dreams tend to be hazy,
You have to take a leap of faith.
You’ve got to stay strong,
And follow your heart,
But taking the first step
Is always the hard part.
You look left and you look right,
And you might have the excuse
Of being taken over by fright.
But don’t be scared no don’t panic,
Just take that leap of faith.
Start your life all fresh and new,
And let that faith carry you.
You’re not going to trip or fall,
Have confidence, be hopeful,
Stand strait, and be tall.
Life is going getting you down,
It wants to see your precious face frown.
But look below at life and laugh,
Just smile, go on your way
And don’t ever look back.
Don’t let yourself go,
No don’t make it complicated,
Because complication is your foe.
Fight through the obstacles,
And take your leap of faith.

I wrote that poem when I thought everything was over. Obviously it wasn’t and I just had to realize that for myself. I never knew life could get so difficult and confusing and I just wanted it all to end. I knew by problems weren’t going to change themselves and they would stay my problems till I dealt with them. I had to make hard choices, and it doesn’t always turn out the way you want it. Marilyn Monroe once said, “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” I love this quote and now I appreciate so much more now. Things did get better, amazingly better and I want you all to know that giving up shouldn’t even be a choice. Giving up is possibly one of the worst things you could ever do, you have to take your chances and at least one of those chances will make everything fall together in one piece.

“You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it.” –unknown. Whoever said this definitely knew what they were talking about. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t strong enough, and by here I mean where you’re at in life. It may be tough and hard to go on, but deep down you know you’re going to make it and that everything will change for the better. I also recommend going to the website ha ha, this is where I find all of my inspirational quotes, and boy, have they helped me!

I know they’re just quotes, but actually they are so much more than that. They can inspire and teach those of us who have been in tough situations. I’ve learned that I need to surround myself with positive people so that their energy rubs off onto me instead of that negative crappy stuff. If you need help, just remind yourself that it’s not the end of the world, not until December 21, but you know what I mean ha. Just make the needed changes in your life and I promise you will feel so much better about that choice you made.

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